Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Book Review: The Warlock

TITLE: The Warlock
Book 5 in the Secrets of the Immortal Nickolas Flamel series
AUTHOR: Michael Scott
GENRE: Adventure, Urban Fantasy
PREMISE: Josh and Sophie continue their journey as Nickolas Flamel lays dying...
MY REVIEW: This is what I call a unknown bestselling series. It sells enough books to be on the bestseller list but it doesn't get nearly the same recognition in the book world like say...Divergent. Hardly anyone seems to know about it which is a darn shame in my opinion. These books are lots of fun.
Like always with this series, a lot of action/plotting goes on in this book. Most of it is a bit of a stall in my opinion. This is the second to last book in a series so really it's mostly just leading up to the final book so most of the surprise comes at the end with something I actually didn't see coming. So if you've read this series, it's pretty much business as usual.
So it's a decent installment but I suspect most of the good stuff is going to be in the final book because I seriously can't wait to see what comes from that surprise we got at the end.
WHO SHOULD READ: those that have read books 1-4, boys, Percy Jackson fans
MY RATING: Three and a half out of Five surprise twists

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