Friday, September 29, 2017

Book Review: Exit West

TITLE: Exit West
AUTHOR: Mohsin Hamid
PUBLISHED: March 7th, 2017
GENRE: Realistic Fiction
PREMISE: A man and women meet and start a romance when their country is on the brink of civil war.
MY REVIEW: I'm going to be very honest: I wasn't expecting much from this book. I tend to find most of these books that get nominated for all these literary prizes rather tedious. For instance, when I was reading this, I was also trying to get through Love in the Time of Cholera. Spoiler alert: I couldn't finish it, it was so boring (as well as sexist and it pushed the Nice Guy narrative). But I did not get that with this one. It was that rare literary book that was not only well-written, it was interesting.
I try not to compare books, but as I was reading this at the same time, I couldn't help but compare it to Love in the Time of Cholera. This book, was far superior. The characters don't make you want to scream, the romance is better, female characters are treated with more respect, there's actually a point to it and it doesn't drag on and on. This book was less then two hundred and fifty pages, but it managed to get in a story and character development ten times better.
In case its not clear, I loved this book. I will be rooting for this one and Underground Railroad come literary prize time (it's already made the shortlist for the Man Booker Prize!).
WHO SHOULD READ: fans of Underground Railroad, Mohsin Hamid fans, literature readers
MY RATING: Four out of Five satisfied nods

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