Monday, July 7, 2014

Book Review: Bad Luck Girl

TITLE: Bad Luck Girl
Book 3 in the American Fairy Trilogy
AUTHOR: Sarah Zettel
GENRE: Historical Fantasy. Faeries
PREMISE: Callie has just gotten her Mother and her Father back and is headed to Chicago with them and her best friend Jack. Unfortunately, getting her parents back had consequences, such as starting a war.
MY REVIEW: Oh American Fairy Trilogy. You are so underrated. Seriously, I love this trilogy. I don't get why more people don't gush about it. No, it's not the most original thing in the world but it has some very cool things about it.
For one, it's got faeries. With fabulous faerie mythology going on. For another, it's set in the nineteen thirties and doesn't glamorize it. It also has all those things that I hear people complain about YA not having. It's got diversity. It doesn't focus on romance. It has a flawed main character who screws up and acknowledges that. There's not even a love triangle!
If you're like me and anxiously awaiting for the next installment of The Diviners (which has been delayed AGAIN ;sobs;) then seriously pick this up. This was a great finale. I'm sorry to see this trilogy go, it was a great ride. Even if I was pretty much fangirling over it by myself.
WHO SHOULD READ: Fans of the first two books, faerie book fans, Diviners fans
MY RATING: Four out of Five jazz bands

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