Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Book Review: The Chaos of Stars

TITLE: The Chaos of Stars
AUTHOR: Kiersten White
PUBLISHED: September 2013
GENRE: Urban Fantasy
PREMISE: Isadora's life is complicated thanks to the fact that she's the human child of Egyptian Gods.
MY REVIEW: So first review of the year! This one is a little book by Kiersten White, one of my favorite underrated YA authors. As always with White, the idea is interesting. One of the things I love about this author is that she takes some familiar YA tropes and puts her own spin on them.
Judging from the reviews on Goodreads (however funky they may be), I'm one of the few who actually enjoyed this one. True, I wish somethings had been a little more fleshed out. But I have the feeling this was never meant to be a best seller. Sometimes, authors just need to get stories out there so they can move on to the next project. I have a feeling this was one of those. I also notice that like Mind Games, this one played around with story-telling/writing style. So this was probably a bit of an experimental book, which I have no problem with. I love it when authors don't stick to one thing and try new ideas.
I would read this only if you're a die-hard White fan. If you're a newcomer to White, I would try Paranormalcy first. But if you're a White fan, who doesn't mind that this isn't typical of her stuff, it makes for a decent library read.
WHO SHOULD READ: Kiersten White fans, Kane Chronicles fans
MY RATING: Three and a half out of Five gods being sassy

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