TITLE: The Space Between
AUTHOR: Brenna Yovanoff
GENRE: angels/demons, drama, romance, urban fantasy
PREMISE: A girl who is part demon/part angel goes to earth in search of her missing brother.
MY REVIEW: Well, before I start this review I will warn readers: this book deals with some dark, potentially triggering material such as suicide, alchoholism, drugs, and I'm pretty sure abuse was implied as well. If stuff like that disturbs you then chances are you won't like this book. This book deals with some pretty heavy stuff and even sort of messes around with the Adam and Eve story so chances are some religious feathers will be ruffled as well.
But if you don't mind stuff like that, this is a very interesting read. It has that uniqueness to it that I've come to expect from Yovanoff and it has a lot to say about stuff like humanity, who your family is, etc. It's not particularly a fun book but it is definitely an interesting book.
So just be warned that it's dark. But if you're willing this could be a interesting read for you. Chances are if you got into The Replacement that you will get into this. Also can I just say that the cover is gorgeous? Internet pictures really don't do it justice.
WHO SHOULD READ: people that don't mind dark books, fans of The Replacement
MY RATING: Four out of Five angel wings
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