Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Book Review: Heartburn

TITLE: Heartburn
AUTHOR: Nora Ephron
GENRE: Realistic Fiction
PAGES: 192
PREMISE: A woman tries to move on from heartache after discovering her husband cheated on her.
MY REVIEW: I picked this up for two reasons. Reason one: it was on a few book lists I've been going through this year to narrow down what adult books to read and what not to bother with. Reason 2: it was written by Nora Ephron. Yes, THAT Nora Ephron. No one told me she wrote books! I was curious right away based on that.
I definitely do see this as Ephron's style. If you're familiar with her movies, this book will be like watching one of them. There's jokes, there's some sly commentary on human behavior and romance. There's the gay best friend. There's...little plot.
If you're a Nora Ephron fan, this is the book for you. It's got everything about her movies just in writing. It's also a good one for those who like books that comment on things like relationships. Otherwise...it's just an okay book really. Some good food for thought here and there. But it didn't really knock my socks off.
WHO SHOULD READ: Nora Ephron fans, The Break-Up fans
MY RATING: Three and a half out of Five food porn books

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