Sunday, July 20, 2014

What to Read Next: After Hunger Games

You've all likely seen the awesome Capitol ads online already (no seriously, I cannot gush enough about how much this marketing team is rocking it because they get what this product is, other marketing teams for YA movies, please take notes). So the Hunger Games fever is about to set in again. Which means I'll likely be selling the trilogy again to newbies which means there'll be new HG fans who will be all "what now?" Have no fear, I've got your back.

What to Read After Hunger Games:

1) Divergent Trilogy by Veronica Roth
Why: Okay, this one is obvious. But if you've read Hunger Games it's probably at least helpful to know about Divergent because likely you'll run into the Hunger Games VS Divergent argument time and again (not there's much argument, I'm sorry, HG is better ;still bitter about the mess that was Allegiant;)

2) Legend Trilogy by Marie Lu
Why: Another one that tends to pop up in the dystopian discussions and this is actually one of my favorite of the YA dystopians so I can't rec it enough.

3) The Giver Quartet series by Lois Lowry
Why: This series is a classic and actually one of the first YA dystopians out there (no, HG did not invent the genre, it just made it popular again). If nothing else read the first book, especially since it's being made into a movie coming out in August.

4) 1984 by George Orwell
Why: Speaking of books that helped shape dystopians. This one definitely did that. In fact, it's the one that coined the phrase big brother. Consider this one the grandfather of the dystopian genre. It may not have invented it, but it has definitely influenced it.

5) The Handmaid's Tale by Margeret Atwood
Why: Like 1984 and The Giver, this one is very influential. All you women who think you don't need feminism anymore, please for the love of god, read this. I'm betting you wouldn't say that anymore.

6) Uglies series by Scott Westerfield
Why: Another dystopian that was a pre-cursor to Hunger Games (sorry, I'm just trying to hit home to some people that Hunger Games did not invent this genre, it's been around for a LONG time). This one talking about beauty standards. Also check out Westerfield's Leviathan Trilogy. It's not dystopian, but it is fabulous steampunk with kids fighting against the establishment and a girl posing as a boy soldier. It's awesome stuff that should please Hunger Games fans as well.

7) The Darkest Minds Trilogy by Alexandra Bracken
Why: What happens when kids gain powers and adults start to fear them in return? Some messed up stuff. This is part dystopian and part urban fantasy and flat out awesome. Third book comes out later this year.

8) Chaos Walking Trilogy by Patrick Ness
Why: Dystopian with a sci-fi bent. Also answers what would happen if women disappeared. The answer: bad stuff. Sorry sexists.

9) Delirium Trilogy by Lauren Oliver
Why: This dystopian asks what would happen if love was considered a disease? While I still don't think the ending was that satisfying, the world Oliver creates here is horrible and fascinating all at the same time.

10) The 5th Wave Trilogy by Rick Yancey
Why: Dystopian with alien invasion! All about a girl having to survive an invasion and the results of it. Think Independance Day but much more realistic and with a badass teen girl instead of a badass Will Smith. The second book, The Infinite Sea, comes out September 16th (yay!) and there's already plans for a movie with Chloe Meretz that will likely be out around early 2016.

Happy reading!

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