Sunday, January 8, 2012

In My Mailbox (66)

This is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi over The Story Siren that tells people what new books we've gotten over the week.

Downloaded to Kindle:
Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side by Beth Fantasky-I was not the hugest fan of Jekyll Loves Hyde but people keep telling me this is better. Since it's free I'm going to give Fantasky another shot.

Bought at Books A Million:
Leviathan Trilogy Book 1: Leviathan by Scott Westerfield-Already read and loved this beautifully illustrated steampunk novel by Westerfield. Got in the phenomenal bargain section Books A Millian has.
Leviathan Trilogy Book 2: Behemoth by Scott Westerfield-They also had book 2 which I have not read yet so expect upcoming review.
The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold-Got this for FREE because of the bargain book sale they were having. This way if I don't happen to like this one (possibility given it's a bestseller) then I didn't waste any money.

From the library:
Undertaken Trilogy Book 1: Death Watch by Ari Berk- 2011 Debut that I've heard nothing about that sounds interesting.
A Beautiful Dark by Jocelyn Davies-2011 Debut novel paranormal romance thing.
Past Midnight Book 1 by Mara Purnhagen-Been meaning to read this series for awhile now.
Shifting by Bethany Wiggins-About skinwalkers from Navajo mythology.


  1. Yay for the library! I love love love taking out books.

    I hope Shifting is good!

    Also yay for Leviathan, bargains are awesome.

  2. Great set! Yay for Jessica's Guide. And I really want to read Leviathan.
    My IMM
